Books I have been reading of late...
Leod - Six old English Poems - a handbook
Women who run with the wolves - Clarissa Pinkola Estes
The early middle ages 400 - 1000
The Origins of Beowulf and the pre-Viking Kingdom of East Anglia
Mansfield Park - Jane Austen
Crossstich - Diana Gabaldon
Poems and prose from the old English
Writing Down the Bones
Walking on Water - Madeleine L'Engle
Bringing Up Girls
Friday, May 30, 2008

Imagine, ten seconds before you leap into the car with your howling children that you discover that you are wearing the exact same outfit as your husband... jeans (blue), jumper (red), t-shirt (white), shoes (brown). Then, after carefully making sure he departs swiftly from the daycare centre so that nobody sees you, and dealing with the mother of all tantrums (Miss bugalugs hanging onto the gate with both hands, screaming - I had her ankles - and eight parents unable to get in, four parents unable to get out)... Imagine, after ALL that, you are strolling across the quadrangle for a restorative hot chocolate, when you realise you are wearing the EXACT same outfit as your BOSS.
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Sick again
I just wanted to share that I'm sick again. Damn tonsils. Am getting to the point where the thought of a hospital visit and having them whipped out is more attractive than the thought of another course of antibiotics.
The Doctor has advised that I go to bed early, and no coughing, sneezing, spitting or kissing.
I know.
What am I going to do at work all day?
The Doctor has advised that I go to bed early, and no coughing, sneezing, spitting or kissing.
I know.
What am I going to do at work all day?
Monday, May 26, 2008
Eurovision Song Contest

- The cat got attacked by a dog and its cost us just under $600 in vet fees - NO
- One of my children and my husband are both sick and underfoot on My Day Off - NO
- I ate an entire packet of caramel crowns yesterday - NO
- The price of petrol - NO
- The price of groceries - NO
- I have a giant spot on my chin - NO
- Mortgage interest rates - NO
Russia did.
I know. One manky singer with a violinist and an ice-skater was better than the lovely Ms Portugal and her slightly Greek looking backing singers.
Sigh. Is there no justice in the world? Even Terry Wogan - the pithy British commentator - sound cross about it. Rumour has it, that it was a "done deal."
Am still trying to come to terms with the French singer sucking helium out of a blow-up globe to make himself sing falsetto. AND the Azerbaijan dancers, never have I seen a g-string so far up a bottom crack - HOW did they still manage to dance like that? HOW?
Its a mysterious world.
Monday, May 19, 2008
Now, do you believe in ghosts??
I do. I do because of a couple of odd things that have happened over the years. But I have to say I haven't had a single ghostly encounter for over twenty years.
But the strangest thing happened.
Our first night at the hotel (which is very old and is supposed to be haunted) we returned to our room to find the TV was on. Only we hadn't turned it on. Yup, we didn't think anything of it either. Until our last night. The room next to ours was empty, and we were blissfully asleep when we're jerked awake by the sound of the TV blaring. I went to investigate, the doors were locked, the lights were on, the tv was on and there wasn't anyone in the room. We called security to come and turn it off and they confirmed noone was in the room.
Odd huh.
But here is the oddest thing. We stayed at the hotel a couple of years ago, and on our last night THE SAME THING HAPPENED. Radio blaring in the empty room next door in the middle of the night.
I do. I do because of a couple of odd things that have happened over the years. But I have to say I haven't had a single ghostly encounter for over twenty years.
But the strangest thing happened.
Our first night at the hotel (which is very old and is supposed to be haunted) we returned to our room to find the TV was on. Only we hadn't turned it on. Yup, we didn't think anything of it either. Until our last night. The room next to ours was empty, and we were blissfully asleep when we're jerked awake by the sound of the TV blaring. I went to investigate, the doors were locked, the lights were on, the tv was on and there wasn't anyone in the room. We called security to come and turn it off and they confirmed noone was in the room.
Odd huh.
But here is the oddest thing. We stayed at the hotel a couple of years ago, and on our last night THE SAME THING HAPPENED. Radio blaring in the empty room next door in the middle of the night.
Sunday, May 18, 2008
The Mini-Break

Have spent the past few days down in the Southern Highland having a mini-break with Hubby. Here is a truly woeful photo of me, in the lap of luxury and what am I doing? Marking Valerie Parv contest entries, that's what. Going to get the last of them done tomorrow. But yes, my dedication knows no bounds.
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Ten reasons I am a BAAAAD mother.
- Last Friday I went out and got drunk. I also smoked a packet of cigarettes. I continue to smoke.
- My children are in three days of day care but I only work two days.
- I have no idea how many serves of calcium/fibre/protein my children eat a day. I'm just fucking glad when they actually do eat.
- I swear. Quite a fucking lot.
- I crave solitude.
- I frequently forget to wipe their little faces, yes, mine are grubby children.
- I don't sing songs at bedtime.
- People scowl at my children's behaviour in public, I ignore them (both my children and the people).
- I yell.
- I bribe.
Sunday, May 04, 2008
To Blog or not to Blog
Sussan asked me a question about blogging...
If however you see blogging as a huge chore then don't.
There is absolutely nothing worse than reading over a blog which is simply a series of apologies for not blogging. Its clear to everyone that the person doesn't want to blog and that defeats the purpose.
I love to blog. Love it. I've been blogging for coming up to three years now, my longest break has been ten days. My blog is a joy, I enjoy going through my days picking out the things I could be blogging about. People who're faithful readers have been with me through everything from domestic ups and downs to the day my Grandmother died. Their help and support has got me through some tough times and they've laughed with me when the only other option was to cry and given sage advice on baby issues, bad back issues...
So no, this blog is not any part of a marketing strategy, and yes I probably should be making more effort to sell my book on it. But I think if a person likes what they read here they'll check out the website, and if not... well... chances are they weren't going to buy the book anyway.
I'm a total fan of Jane Porter and often read her blog, however, from time to time she will put up a hard sell blog post for her latest book. Frankly I find it a complete turn off. I share my life on the blog because I enjoy it, not to keep people interested long enough to politely request they buy a book or put a review on Amazon.
I do, however, put up a post if I'm doing other stuff in cyberspace, blogging elsewhere, have an interview up, that sort of thing. People can go take a look or glide over it to the next post, its up to them.
I will also soon be moaning at length about the edits due to arrive for Secret Intentions - I reckon I don't have to advertise my next book on the blog because everyone has had to suffer through the edits with me anyway!
Is having a blog part of the recommended marketing strategy? I noticed that you don't advertise your book on your blog, but do advertise on your webpage. I know the assumption is that every visitor you have comes through your website. But what happens when they visit or find your blog first? Someone like me, for instance. Do you see the blog as more personal, and therefore not a place to advertise your book?My take on blogging is quite straightforward, if you want to blog and enjoy it then go for it.
If however you see blogging as a huge chore then don't.
There is absolutely nothing worse than reading over a blog which is simply a series of apologies for not blogging. Its clear to everyone that the person doesn't want to blog and that defeats the purpose.
I love to blog. Love it. I've been blogging for coming up to three years now, my longest break has been ten days. My blog is a joy, I enjoy going through my days picking out the things I could be blogging about. People who're faithful readers have been with me through everything from domestic ups and downs to the day my Grandmother died. Their help and support has got me through some tough times and they've laughed with me when the only other option was to cry and given sage advice on baby issues, bad back issues...
So no, this blog is not any part of a marketing strategy, and yes I probably should be making more effort to sell my book on it. But I think if a person likes what they read here they'll check out the website, and if not... well... chances are they weren't going to buy the book anyway.
I'm a total fan of Jane Porter and often read her blog, however, from time to time she will put up a hard sell blog post for her latest book. Frankly I find it a complete turn off. I share my life on the blog because I enjoy it, not to keep people interested long enough to politely request they buy a book or put a review on Amazon.
I do, however, put up a post if I'm doing other stuff in cyberspace, blogging elsewhere, have an interview up, that sort of thing. People can go take a look or glide over it to the next post, its up to them.
I will also soon be moaning at length about the edits due to arrive for Secret Intentions - I reckon I don't have to advertise my next book on the blog because everyone has had to suffer through the edits with me anyway!
Saturday, May 03, 2008
Not having a good afternoon...
Have been working for over an hour. Here's what I've got so far...
Frankly there are depths to which I'd rather not sink.
He stepped towards her, put his drink down next to her empty plate and straightened, so close that they nearly touched. Then without hesitating bent swiftly and brushed her lips in a kiss that was more of a question.
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaagh. WHY WONT THIS FUCKING SCENE WORK. WHY. WHY. WHY.
Frankly there are depths to which I'd rather not sink.
Small Press Publishing - what it's really like...
Okay, I'd just like to start this post with the preface that firstly I have, thus far, only published one book (next one out in Sept - wheeee!) and that what I'm saying here is from my own limited experience with Samhain Publishing. I ain't no marketing guru nor am I an expert on other publishers.
So, I've probably banged on enough about my first sale story, but briefly, I was having a really tough time struggling with a 10month old toddler and a grim pregnancy (grim because I just couldn't stop being sick). I was shattered and spiraling into post-natal depression (and yes you can get it before the baby arrives!). Hubby suggested I come up with a project, something just for me, that would take my focus away from life with the small screamies (okay screamy at that stage) and make me sit down and stop stressing about everything. Thus Running Scared came into being. I began it around June 2004 and it was sold to Samhain Publishing in January 2005 just after Miss Bugalugs was born.
This flung me in at the deep end of small press publishing. I didn't have a clue. At first it was all a nightmare of editing and breastfeeding (although the breastfeeding part was not part of the publishing - just in case you were wondering). Running Scared almost had to be rewritten from scratch, but I cannot describe how much I learned.
And this is where the value in small press publishing lies for the newbie. In Running Scared I had made every beginner mistake known to publishing and invented a few new ones! But I had the opportunity to go through the book line by line with a professional editor, who not only told me what needed to be changed by why.
At times it was gruelling and overwhelming, at times I just didn't think I could come up with another scene, but I did. I think the very worst moment was two weeks before it was e-published, and we had signed off Running Scared, all done, ready to go. Then I get an email from my Editor (on the 26 December - yes Boxing day) including a copy of the text with 500+ changes that a line editor had picked up. These weren't just typo changes either, these were "too much headhopping in this sex scene..." type changes, so the scene had to be totally rewritten from one point of view. I was at the point where I wanted to screech LEAVE IT, I don't care. But instead I gave up my holiday and sat down and rewrote again.
My point is, that a big publisher would not have looked twice at this book. But at Samhain they saw I had the bones of a good story and that I could string a sentence together and decided to work with me. Otherwise that novel would've ended up buried on some hard disc somewhere and I maybe wouldn't have written again.
This is why, when I see Crissy and Angela at the conference I shall be sobbing all over them and explaining to them exactly how they changed my life for the better.
Sorry, gushing.
But, little did I realise that the editing and publishing of Running Scared was only the first rung in the vertical learning curve that I found myself upon. Next came the marketing.
My first and instinctive response to marketing was pretty much along the lines of, "Shit NO WAY. I'm not going to SELL my own novel. Get real."
Samhain, however, had come across my sort before!
So they, and I believe that other small press/e publishers do this as well, had put in place a support network for writers swooning at the thought of flogging their wares.
First place you start your marketing is the e-loops.
At Samhain there are three loops for authors only where you can discuss advertising, marketing, birthday parties, grocery lists whatever! Some of the authors are very experienced in marketing and a couple come from a marketing background, and they give, give, give... Ask a question and people all over the world respond with their advice/experience. You find yourself thinking 'okay maybe I can do this.'
At Samhain we also have the Samhain Cafe, an e-loop where readers and authors chat 24/7, this is a fab place to start marketing. I so remember sending a timid email, along the lines of "Hi, I'm a newbie, my book has just come out, please don't hurt me..." and was overwhelmed with support an interest. I could barely keep up.
But you don't have to limit yourself to your publisher, websites like Coffee Time Romance, Romance Junkies, The Romance Studio have vast yahoogroups, chat rooms, competitions and so on, soley for authors to make contact with readers and sell their books.
Did you think publishing was just about writing and maybe a bit of marketing?? Nope. Prepare yourself to become aufait with the mysteries of HTML, web design, jpg's, working with printers, designing your own fridge magnets... The sky is the limit. But again at Samhain they are behind you, they run online classes, how to design a brochure, how to write an HTML newsletter, with experts to help. In these classes the clueless mix with the clueful and suddenly there you are sending out emails with a picture of your book cover in the signature line.
So as you can see, whilst the world of marketing your own novel may, at first glance, seem daunting, you are not alone.
Samhain sends out your novel for reviews, and has a list of approved reviewers that you can send to yourself. Reviews are marketing gold. You can pick the best line or two from the review and sprinkle it about... on your website, in your brochure, in your signature line. You can let the world know that someone out there thinks your books are great. I've only had one average review (and to be honest I think the reviewer had a valid point in her criticism) and even then she still said some good stuff about the novel. Curious? She kindly put the review up on so have a look if you wish.
The Print Version
So six months after my e-version came out I got my own print version to hold in my hand, I felt that life was now complete, but still the marketing began again.
It was much the same as before with e-loops and chats, posting excerpts of the novel and getting involved in give-aways and competitions. However, by this time it'd become clear that first it was going to be a long time between books for me (I just couldn't have a high output and give the kids what they needed) and second that Running Scared was not going to sell itself. The novel is a good story, but I'm the first to admit isn't a masterpiece (and I know it is a cardinal sin to talk down your own book, but its also important to understand the reality of your situation).
Books do sell themselves. Great reviews, people raving about it on chat lists, 4.5 stars from Romantic Times, a cover that is being lauded from one end of cyberspace to the other. Sometimes the book just clicks. But the reality is that many books fall into the average grade. Nothing awful about them but they don't earn their writer a mint either. I am NOT ashamed to admit that Running Scared was such a book - its value to me is far beyond monetary.
So, I decided to use the launch of the print version to learn everything I could about publishing and marketing. First thing I did was pay the piper. Asked around and booked advertising space on a couple of big websites such as Coffee Time Romance, got involved in some of the packages those sites offer such as Latte Limelight and took advantage of the e-cards, chats and blogging opportunities. So from September through to November of last year I was flat out with this stuff. And I really enjoyed it. Teamed up with a few other authors and did an Aussie chat day - Samhain Cafe has yet to recover from that! It was intensely hard work, I got hardly any of my own writing done and the house descended into chaos, but it was fun.
The hits on the website doubled, then tripled, and it was fascinating to see the instant effect of some types of advertising. Other types of advertising, however, barely made a ripple in the pond. This has been solid gold for me now as I'm sorting out advertising for Secret Intentions. Cover on the front of Coffee Time Romance, worked and I had a sales spike. Interview with Romance Junkies, not a flicker of interest. And its experience like this that makes Running Scared such a valuable book.
I had my own book launch - yes a whole new experience in fear, but I did it and I'm glad I did. Sent out press releases to local papers - to the eternal amusement of my workplace when they were published with smarmy photo. I tried it all.
These days all writers need to do this kind of marketing. Maybe its not so full on with a big publisher, or maybe its full on in a different way (I expect a book tour would pretty much reduce you to a jelly). But from Ken Follet to Jane Porter to me, we are all out there marketing ourselves and our work (appearances on Oprah, having your book turned into a movie and... um... Tim Tam giveaways!)
With small presses you do have to open your wallet, and with Running Scared I spent around $500 which I doubt is going to be earned back. But I see it as my hobby, and hell, people spend thousands on quilting and scrapbooking, and that is just for their own pleasure.
Don't let the marketing aspect of small presses put you off investigating or submitting to them. It is a bona fide way to get your foot in the door and the rewards for yourself and your writing career can be far and beyond what you may imagine.
So, questions? I hope I've addressed what everyone wanted to know in the chat room last night - and sorry I was only there for ten minutes or so! If any other authors have anything to add I'd love to hear it. Like I said, this is my limited experience in a nutshell.
Oh and we did catch the possums and they are now safely living in the possum boxes!
So, I've probably banged on enough about my first sale story, but briefly, I was having a really tough time struggling with a 10month old toddler and a grim pregnancy (grim because I just couldn't stop being sick). I was shattered and spiraling into post-natal depression (and yes you can get it before the baby arrives!). Hubby suggested I come up with a project, something just for me, that would take my focus away from life with the small screamies (okay screamy at that stage) and make me sit down and stop stressing about everything. Thus Running Scared came into being. I began it around June 2004 and it was sold to Samhain Publishing in January 2005 just after Miss Bugalugs was born.
This flung me in at the deep end of small press publishing. I didn't have a clue. At first it was all a nightmare of editing and breastfeeding (although the breastfeeding part was not part of the publishing - just in case you were wondering). Running Scared almost had to be rewritten from scratch, but I cannot describe how much I learned.
And this is where the value in small press publishing lies for the newbie. In Running Scared I had made every beginner mistake known to publishing and invented a few new ones! But I had the opportunity to go through the book line by line with a professional editor, who not only told me what needed to be changed by why.
At times it was gruelling and overwhelming, at times I just didn't think I could come up with another scene, but I did. I think the very worst moment was two weeks before it was e-published, and we had signed off Running Scared, all done, ready to go. Then I get an email from my Editor (on the 26 December - yes Boxing day) including a copy of the text with 500+ changes that a line editor had picked up. These weren't just typo changes either, these were "too much headhopping in this sex scene..." type changes, so the scene had to be totally rewritten from one point of view. I was at the point where I wanted to screech LEAVE IT, I don't care. But instead I gave up my holiday and sat down and rewrote again.
My point is, that a big publisher would not have looked twice at this book. But at Samhain they saw I had the bones of a good story and that I could string a sentence together and decided to work with me. Otherwise that novel would've ended up buried on some hard disc somewhere and I maybe wouldn't have written again.
This is why, when I see Crissy and Angela at the conference I shall be sobbing all over them and explaining to them exactly how they changed my life for the better.
Sorry, gushing.
But, little did I realise that the editing and publishing of Running Scared was only the first rung in the vertical learning curve that I found myself upon. Next came the marketing.
My first and instinctive response to marketing was pretty much along the lines of, "Shit NO WAY. I'm not going to SELL my own novel. Get real."
Samhain, however, had come across my sort before!
So they, and I believe that other small press/e publishers do this as well, had put in place a support network for writers swooning at the thought of flogging their wares.
First place you start your marketing is the e-loops.
At Samhain there are three loops for authors only where you can discuss advertising, marketing, birthday parties, grocery lists whatever! Some of the authors are very experienced in marketing and a couple come from a marketing background, and they give, give, give... Ask a question and people all over the world respond with their advice/experience. You find yourself thinking 'okay maybe I can do this.'
At Samhain we also have the Samhain Cafe, an e-loop where readers and authors chat 24/7, this is a fab place to start marketing. I so remember sending a timid email, along the lines of "Hi, I'm a newbie, my book has just come out, please don't hurt me..." and was overwhelmed with support an interest. I could barely keep up.
But you don't have to limit yourself to your publisher, websites like Coffee Time Romance, Romance Junkies, The Romance Studio have vast yahoogroups, chat rooms, competitions and so on, soley for authors to make contact with readers and sell their books.
Did you think publishing was just about writing and maybe a bit of marketing?? Nope. Prepare yourself to become aufait with the mysteries of HTML, web design, jpg's, working with printers, designing your own fridge magnets... The sky is the limit. But again at Samhain they are behind you, they run online classes, how to design a brochure, how to write an HTML newsletter, with experts to help. In these classes the clueless mix with the clueful and suddenly there you are sending out emails with a picture of your book cover in the signature line.
So as you can see, whilst the world of marketing your own novel may, at first glance, seem daunting, you are not alone.
Samhain sends out your novel for reviews, and has a list of approved reviewers that you can send to yourself. Reviews are marketing gold. You can pick the best line or two from the review and sprinkle it about... on your website, in your brochure, in your signature line. You can let the world know that someone out there thinks your books are great. I've only had one average review (and to be honest I think the reviewer had a valid point in her criticism) and even then she still said some good stuff about the novel. Curious? She kindly put the review up on so have a look if you wish.
The Print Version
So six months after my e-version came out I got my own print version to hold in my hand, I felt that life was now complete, but still the marketing began again.
It was much the same as before with e-loops and chats, posting excerpts of the novel and getting involved in give-aways and competitions. However, by this time it'd become clear that first it was going to be a long time between books for me (I just couldn't have a high output and give the kids what they needed) and second that Running Scared was not going to sell itself. The novel is a good story, but I'm the first to admit isn't a masterpiece (and I know it is a cardinal sin to talk down your own book, but its also important to understand the reality of your situation).
Books do sell themselves. Great reviews, people raving about it on chat lists, 4.5 stars from Romantic Times, a cover that is being lauded from one end of cyberspace to the other. Sometimes the book just clicks. But the reality is that many books fall into the average grade. Nothing awful about them but they don't earn their writer a mint either. I am NOT ashamed to admit that Running Scared was such a book - its value to me is far beyond monetary.
So, I decided to use the launch of the print version to learn everything I could about publishing and marketing. First thing I did was pay the piper. Asked around and booked advertising space on a couple of big websites such as Coffee Time Romance, got involved in some of the packages those sites offer such as Latte Limelight and took advantage of the e-cards, chats and blogging opportunities. So from September through to November of last year I was flat out with this stuff. And I really enjoyed it. Teamed up with a few other authors and did an Aussie chat day - Samhain Cafe has yet to recover from that! It was intensely hard work, I got hardly any of my own writing done and the house descended into chaos, but it was fun.
The hits on the website doubled, then tripled, and it was fascinating to see the instant effect of some types of advertising. Other types of advertising, however, barely made a ripple in the pond. This has been solid gold for me now as I'm sorting out advertising for Secret Intentions. Cover on the front of Coffee Time Romance, worked and I had a sales spike. Interview with Romance Junkies, not a flicker of interest. And its experience like this that makes Running Scared such a valuable book.
I had my own book launch - yes a whole new experience in fear, but I did it and I'm glad I did. Sent out press releases to local papers - to the eternal amusement of my workplace when they were published with smarmy photo. I tried it all.
These days all writers need to do this kind of marketing. Maybe its not so full on with a big publisher, or maybe its full on in a different way (I expect a book tour would pretty much reduce you to a jelly). But from Ken Follet to Jane Porter to me, we are all out there marketing ourselves and our work (appearances on Oprah, having your book turned into a movie and... um... Tim Tam giveaways!)
With small presses you do have to open your wallet, and with Running Scared I spent around $500 which I doubt is going to be earned back. But I see it as my hobby, and hell, people spend thousands on quilting and scrapbooking, and that is just for their own pleasure.
Don't let the marketing aspect of small presses put you off investigating or submitting to them. It is a bona fide way to get your foot in the door and the rewards for yourself and your writing career can be far and beyond what you may imagine.
So, questions? I hope I've addressed what everyone wanted to know in the chat room last night - and sorry I was only there for ten minutes or so! If any other authors have anything to add I'd love to hear it. Like I said, this is my limited experience in a nutshell.
Oh and we did catch the possums and they are now safely living in the possum boxes!
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