Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Help for Bushfire Victims
Monday, February 16, 2009
More about Sebby

It was fine. No really. I lived with a newborn that didn't sleep for six weeks, I can do this...

No he's very cute. Very cute. Peeing from one end of the house to the other, but cute.
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Its Sebby
He's been here about three hours and already acts like he's never lived anywhere else.

Its late, I'm tired so I'll wax lyrical tomorrow!
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Nothing says Happy Valentines Day...

Friday, February 13, 2009
Books for Bushfire Victims
We've all seen the devastation the recent Victorian bushfires have wrought and have wondered how we can help. We know that for many affected families,books will not be high on their priorities list for some time to come. But... We also know how valuable books can be in providing time out when reality gets tough. So... With the aid of some wonderful volunteers, we've put together a Romance Writers of Australia Bushfire Book Appeal.
What we need? FICTION BOOKS!
Romance books, children's books, genre books, whatever – either new or in
sparkling condition.Please send them to:
RWA Bushfire Book Appeal
c/- 89 Rennie St
Thornbury Vic 3071When to send them?Now! And any time over the next few months. The books will be boxed and delivered to the appropriate neighbourhood centres/community centres/libraries in batches as soon as practicable. Feel free to pop a note inside, or if you're an author, sign it.
With thanks, Kelly Hunter President
On behalf of Romance Writers of Australia Inc.
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Call for Spare Phone Chargers...
Please send any spare mobile chargers to those that have lost theirs as a result of the Victorian bushfires.
Please send to:
Telstra Country Wide
Locked Bag 4670
Melbourne Vic 3001
Hope amongst the grim news from the Victorian Fires
The human cost is dreadful and the animal and wild-life cost equally upsetting. But here is a little moment of hope...
CFA firefighter, Dave Tree, finds a koala moving gingerly on her scorched paws after wildfires sweep Victoria. 'Sam' accepted a bottle of water and she is now recovering at a wildlife refuge - where apparently she has found love. http://www.smh.com.au/environment/love-in-a-time-of-bushfires-a-koalas-story-20090212-85dp.html
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Victorian Fires

Sunday, February 08, 2009
Victorian Bushfires: Offers of Help
Friday, February 06, 2009
Vegies Growing like MAD...
See, carrots I dug up this evening...

In the middle of the greenery you can see a teensy tiny zucchini. I put the zucchini seeds in peat pots on about 2nd January - and we'll be picking them in a couple of weeks I reckon, three at the most.

Corn coming up in the corn patch.

And below are beans I am companion planting with the corn. I planted bean seed a week ago and already they're this big - actually I'm a little taken aback, we're due for Melbourne's heatwave to arrive here tomorrow and I was kind-of hoping they wouldn't germinate until after, oh well.

Thursday, February 05, 2009
He's eating my tomatoes

Wednesday, February 04, 2009
Great Review for Secret Intentions...
All Zani has to do is find evidence that Corbin de Villiers is leaking company secrets, seems simple. But there’s nothing simple about Corbin or her ‘job’ as his assistant; used to designing custom yachts, Zani has no idea how to be a PA. When she finds herself not only attracted to Corbin but hoping he’s not the one sabotaging the company, Zani struggles with loyalty to her family and an attraction she never expected.
Corbin de Villiers knows his new PA is hiding something, but with all that’s happening to his company, he doesn’t have time to find out what, even if Zani slips into his mind far too often for comfort. The longer they work together the more Corbin discovers Zani is many things but a PA isn’t one of them.
With lies, theft and the Russian Mafia things go from complicated to life threatening. Can Corbin and Zani find out who’s behind it all before they both pay the ultimate price?
Secret Intentions by Caitlyn Nicholas delivers an intriguing story of lies and love. Corbin and Zani are thrown together in a fight to first save his company and then their lives. Zani has spent her life fixing her brother and father’s problems, but this time they may have bitten off far more than she can chew. Ms. Nicholas has done a great job of making Zani a contradiction, on one hand she’s a successful business woman in high demand and on the other she’s an insecure woman who bows to her father and brother’s dictates. I loved watching as she grew to understand she was far more than her family ever allowed her to believe. Her relationship with Corbin grows along with her and as they get closer, Zani begins to flourish in her own skin. With secrets and lies at every turn, and everyone with their own agenda Ms. Nicholas weaves an intricate web of intrigue and danger that keeps you guessing. The chemistry between Zani and Corbin can’t be ignored but with everything going on seems destined to be pushed to the side. I loved the secondary characters; all of them have a hand at making Secret Intentions an engrossing read.
Reviewed by: Rachel C.
Tuesday, February 03, 2009
Dried Fruit in the Fruit Dryer - the conclusion
The plums were immensly bitter. So bitter I couldn't actually eat them. The apricots were like cardboard, the tomatoes were bitter AND like cardboard.

And yes that is a carrot cake you see next to the plate. It was leftover from playgroup and they MADE me take it. Also, you are correct, my kitchen does look like a bomb's hit it, but that is how it normally looks. Moi au natural.
Monday, February 02, 2009
Sustainability - Hard Core - Ye Gods!
So, was feeling all environmental and so on about our bucket in the shower, and our vegies and remembering to take our green bags to the supermarket, and then I read about Jen Owens.
Jen Owens is doing the sustainability thing for a year. Here are her rules
- self-sufficient in meat, fruit and vegies
- everything else from Tasmanian only sources
- No supermarket shopping
- No purchases of new items
- Reduce energy consumption to grid neutral - which is a 95% reduction to 1kW which is supplied by a solar array.
Best of all Jen blogging about her experience: http://paramihomefarm.blogspot.com/. I'll put her in the sidebar so we can keep an eye on how she's going.