37,000 words in 20 days! Given my day jobs of the small screamies, plus work, not bad at all!
We've had a blissful day. Up to Umina beach this morn.

Then home to much gardening. We are heaving with vegies and snails. Have put out beer traps but the dog keeps drinking them, my tomatoes had better be okay. Grrr.
Spent kiddies nap time re-arranging iPod, have uploaded all Christmas carols in anticipation of 1st December. Oh yes. You can be looking forward to endless photos of our christmas tree and various chrissy crafts, just like last year. Hurray, I hear you cheer.
Had an inspiration as well over iPod - lots of people write in their blog the latest fave song on their iPod. I try to avoid that sort of thing, preferring to concentrate on blathering my every thought. BUT how about this... What's fermenting in my kitchen... Good huh? And i'd have something to put almost every single day.
And now we're spending the evening watching Stargate. The episode where they nuke the replicators and Daniel Jackson dies (again) this time after mind-melding with the head replicator girly - if you don't watch the show get yourself the DVDs. Brilliantly written and McGyver in every episode. Doesn't get much better than that!
4 people love me:
Well done on that total Cait. And I'm glad to hear you're going to live!
Hi Cait,
Not a bad effort especially with so much else to attend to.
Don't forget yogurt while on antibiotics. :)
It makes you write more words and much faster lol...
You're lucky, Cait. I don't think I'm going to survive - even with the wonders of modern medicine.
Hope you enjoyed your visit to the beach. *Sigh* Don't think I'll ever feel well enough to visit the beach again.
(Yes, I'm having a good moan. After a week of sick kids, I am sick and feeling sorry for myself.)
Hi Cait,
Not a bad effort especially with so much else to attend to.
Don't forget yogurt while on antibiotics. :)
It makes you write more words and much faster lol...
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