May have possibly overdone it on the wine and cheese last night. Whilst I am in no way admitting anything to anyone, it is 2pm and I'm lying in bed with a splitting headache and plotting ways to kill the door neighbour who is chainsawing something Very Loudly outside the window. Maybe its his fucking yappy dog that old tree.
Oh GOD. shut up. shut up. shut up.
There are people in my life who are a Very Bad Influence who refuse to realise that I can't drink like I did when I was 19 and had a liver.After this I may possibly have passed out had a nap for several hours.

In fact it has already produced a Christmas Miracle. Yes indeed. Our telly room no longer smells of cat/dog/child wee. Its all been steamed away. JOY.
Now you're thinking it can't get any better than that.
Oh but it does.
NOT ONLY did I de-wee the telly room. BUT I ALSO discovered the source of our flea infestation (a couch) AND nuked the little buggers in a carcinogenic chemical onslaught. So now, aside from a small sprinkling of dead or dying fleas falling off the dog onto any surface that shows them up nicely, we are flea free.
Domestic goddess me.
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LOL.... domestic goddess, well done. I love the steam mop, use to have one, a real gem for wooden floors, one wipe and there goes choc milk on the stairs, gpigs wee on the living room rug, god knows what that green thing was and all that yummy stuff that kids conger up on the kitchen floor!
*laughing* I did ready your tweets on the weekend. They were interesting. :o)
LOL - ahem yes. Must not tweet when pissed. Noted. In my defence I was forced onto the computer to download some appalling 80s music and that is how I came to be tweeting. Also the cheese was AMAZING.
OMG YES!! I freakin LOVE my steam mop, I don't think I;m meant to, but I even use it on the carpet!! It's awesome and with a toilet training toddler and an inside/outside dog, it has allowed me to hang onto that last shred of sanity!! Oh, and BTW, my "dinner" tonight is a wedge of brie!
Sound like a fun weekend ('cept for the headache bit).
I cried the day my Sunbeam steam-mop suffered catastrophic failure and died. Even worse to discover Sunbeam stopped making them. It was the best thing and I've yet to find another one like it (under $400). So, sadly, it's back to the Vieda mop.
Be interested to see how long your cloths last. Mine wore out really fast.
Bloody hell. I can't believe I'm commenting about STEAM MOPS!!!!!!
*laughing* I did ready your tweets on the weekend. They were interesting. :o)
LOL.... domestic goddess, well done. I love the steam mop, use to have one, a real gem for wooden floors, one wipe and there goes choc milk on the stairs, gpigs wee on the living room rug, god knows what that green thing was and all that yummy stuff that kids conger up on the kitchen floor!
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