Monday, May 10, 2010

War on Clutter - Day Seven + A Big Surprise

Well, War on Clutter kind-of moving forward.  Cleared out dresser filled with china, teacups, pizza stones and about a ton of random electrical wires, old mobile phones and batteries in all sizes.  Then moved on to the pantry... where I came across a packet of double choc Tim Tams... and it was Oprah on telly... and I had a cup of tea...and it was peaceful and sunny... and... well, you get the idea.

The War sat down and had a lovely rest before rushing off to pick up the children and figure out what to cook for dinner (tacos; very nice).

But, being the non-stop, high adrenaline, house in the burbs that this is, of course that's not the only news...
We have our first egg.  Hurray :)

Weighing in at 43g it has been admired by the entire family and has been the subject of phone calls, group emails and facebook status updates, all day.  We're waiting until we have one each before we eat them.

6 people love me:

Farmers Wifey said...

Congrats on your very first egg.. I remember when we got our first one, it was so very exciting!! We just got our first little baby chicken last week and that was tremendously grand!

The Webbers Living a Good Life, again said...

well done on the egg! Did you lay it yourself?? ;-D

Anonymous said...

War it is! You have been doing a great job with the clutter. I did a similar thing just over a year ago when all the kids lived with me (6 of them) and it took me a week. One room at a time. It was awsum and the local charity store loved me alot that week.

Congrats on the googie egg.... big achievement!


Anonymous said...

What a great surprise!!!

Unknown said...

LOL Thanks all. And yes, do feel like I laid it myself - due to all the fussing and wondering that went on before hand.

Farmers Wifey said...

Congrats on your very first egg.. I remember when we got our first one, it was so very exciting!! We just got our first little baby chicken last week and that was tremendously grand!