Sunday, July 25, 2010


I think the thing I find hardest to be pragmatic about is when the garden gets trashed by the dog, the chooks or the kids.

Here are the broad beans yesterday afternoon.

And here they are this morning, after the dog let the chooks out.

Big mess. I've dusted them off, and replanted what I can, but there's so much damage.  All my onions seedlings have been scratched up as well.  Sigh. So frustrating.

And yes, the dog did let the chooks out.  He managed to get their pen door open when he was in search of morsels to eat.  Wretched animal.

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greenfumb said...

I know exactly how you feel. Our dog let our chooks out so many times that I ended up caging the vege patch instead of the chooks. Even our freerange rabbit seems to think that the girls should be out, she digs holes and lifts up the wire for them.

I was laughing this afternoon because what was once a nice row of carrots is now just a random scattering.

Belinda said...


That looks nasty. Admittedly if there is a time of year to up end broad beans this might be it.. if it doesn't kill them I would lay bets on them producing flowers within a fortnight :-D .

Kind Regards

Anonymous said...

That is terrible. Damn dog!!

The Webbers Living a Good Life, again said...


Anonymous said...

YAY, thanks Belinda :)

And thanks all for commiserations. So far one declared DOA, but rest looking surprisingly perky. Onions etc appear unconcerned thus far (well the bodies I uncovered and replanted).

LOL my word verification is angst!!


Sue, Joe and Michael Webber said...


greenfumb said...

I know exactly how you feel. Our dog let our chooks out so many times that I ended up caging the vege patch instead of the chooks. Even our freerange rabbit seems to think that the girls should be out, she digs holes and lifts up the wire for them.

I was laughing this afternoon because what was once a nice row of carrots is now just a random scattering.