Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Getting Around The Interwebs: Drive Blog Tour

Monday, yesterday, went well. No sign of mondayitus at all.  Then I woke up this morning and it all went to Monday... edits due tomorrow, a book releasing on Thursday, a sick kid, a meeting with school, a husband working a shift pattern that's turned him into a zombie, and a hormone induced migraine. So YAY for Tuesdayitus.

And its only 10am.

So, to get over this Tuesdayitus I've holed up in the local cafe, surrounded by tennis mums as far as the eye can see (well apart from the bickery young couple beside me), eaten a very large slice of pecan pie, increased my tea levels and taken pain pills.

Things were already looking better, when, all of a sudden it dawned on me... my Drive Me To Distraction blog tour starts TODAY, NOW, RIGHT NOW, OMG...


Its all beginning.


Suddenly feeling all better.

So here is the tour schedule...

Today I'm over at the very lovely Dose of Dannie
Thanks for having me, Dannii.

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