Thursday, May 12, 2011

Aliens and having an Eco-Vag

First, and most importantly I'd like to share with the interwebs that I am vastly regretting the three cups of tea I drank this morning. Peeing much?

Presently I am sitting in Hornsby Westfield before heading out into The Arctic to do my weekly shop at the farmers market.  For the record there is an extra large cup of tea cooling beside me - yes, its going to be my day for bathrooms.  Also I'm really hoping that someone around here has a mobile phone with the tones from 'Close Encounters' (you know when human kind meets aliens and figures out how to communicate in musical tones in eight seconds flat) and that it keeps going off.  Otherwise people, that movie may well have been non-fiction - as my mother frequently suggests - and we may have visitors.

I do feel strongly that, judging from the newsreaders on TV, we may have already Made Contact.  Have you looked at them? I mean really looked at them??  Next time the news is on have a close look.  Aliens. Everyone of them.  Especially on the ABC.  I point it out to hubs on an almost daily basis.  He tells me to ring my mother.

Speaking of aliens and my husband...
Its got man-flu and is not of this world - or is that not long for this world?
So easily confused
Anyhoo, a new product for women recently came to my attention (back of the stall door in the Westfield bog, now that's what I call a captive audience).  Its called Eco-Vag.  And I just wanted to share with you what a woman with balanced vaginal flora looks like...
No itching, burning or unpleasant odour for her
Oh yes, I'm going to rush out and get me some capsules to... to... no, I can't bring myself to write it.  You don't swallow them people. YOU DONT SWALLOW THEM.

I think I've said enough.


And I was being sarcastic about going out and buying them - just so we're clear.

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