Next-door's dogs dug under the fence this morning and caused there to be much squawking and panicking (chickens), swearing and bellowing (me), and running about and barking (the dogs).
No harm done, but when I came back inside I found this refugee.
At least she didn't poo |
Now do you see what I must overcome to blog!!?!!
She let me pick her up and put her outside, and is now back in her coop with the others and some breakfast :)
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Could have be worse if you weren't at home !
Poor dear girl! I love chooks. I would have been squawking and panicking....
We returned home once to find nine of our hens mauled and beheaded across our property. Neighbour's dog had a field day. It was devastating :(
So awful Kirrily, but such a common story :( These dogs were a Kelpie and a Red Heeler and give that its Friday 13th I'm amazed it didn't end badly. Lucky I was home and can screech loudly enough to put fear into the heart of dogs!
Yep, so much worse :( And now they know they can get into the yard its going to be a constant worry. Methinks today will be spent reinforcing the coop.
Hehehehe... Mac Chicken - I get it now!!
I love the idea of chickens... maybe one day. Hope you are able to find where the dogs got in and block it up.
Cackling with laughter here, she could have done the right thing and laid an egg for you :)
I think she wants her own blog!
LOL!! That'd be a great idea, and she'd probably make more sense than me! I shall suggest it to her ;)
Yep, neighbours and I are onto it. None of us want a disaster :)
LOL. Yep, she could call it Chicken Nibbles and give us all a bird's eye view of life in the chicken coop. :)
I appreciate your blog even more knowing what you have to deal with.
LOVED this post! We've had chooks up the stairs and in the house, in the car when we leave the door open....they are social little darlings!!!
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