Tuesday, March 09, 2010

Best thing since sliced bread



6 people love me:

belinda said...

Well at least it rose this time....

Bread Pudding?

Kind Regards

The Webbers Living a Good Life, again said...

Are you making it by hand or in the bread maker? I had some bread in my bread maker going horribly wrong recently and I had no idea why, it was rising too much and sticking to the lid of the maker. It also was very crumbly. I thought I was going to have to get a new one. But I found the instruction books troubleshooting page and it was because I was only puttin 1 tsp of salt in and not 2! So bizarre, it's good as gold now.

Anna said...

See, that looks awesome to me! I would have smothered butter and jam on it and eaten it all.
(Actually, I have never made bread in my life, so it wouldn't even look like that!)

greenfumb said...

You need one of those Breville slicer things, I got one in an op shop for $2 the other day - the ladies had no idea what it was. You can pay $30 on eBay!!

Kids and/or chooks will still eat it.

Lyndel said...

All is not lost ,you've mastered butter making and water dowsing, bread making must be next

belinda said...

Hi Caitlyn,

I have awarded you the Sunshine Award please come on over http://belindas-simple-life.blogspot.com/2010/03/thank-you-sunshine-award.html to pick it up.

Kind Regards