Monday, March 15, 2010

The Kitchen

So I cleaned under the microwave on Sunday morning.  There were Things under there. THINGS.

Then I decided that the microwave was annoying in its present position - it was hard to open the door without swiping, oh you know, a cup, a plate or a stack of pasta dishes off the bench-top and onto the very hard slate floor.

One thing led to another and four hours later I'd re-arranged the entire kitchen and decided on a new colour scheme.  Oh how I am tired of living with the previous owners horrible taste in wall colours.

So now the microwave has a new home, and the toaster is where it used to be.

Have been baking. Lemon cake for Miss 5 who brought a cook book home from school last week and is still miffed that so far I've only cooked macaroni cheese out of it.  Note charred edges on cake on left, will have to use lots of (curdled) lemon curd icing to cover them.

I also realised that I own an unseemly amount of tea.  Every single canister in this picture has tea in it, except for one with hubby's coffee bags.

Work is coming along on the new chicken coop.  We ran out of nails yesterday and after another awful night (involving a husband out partying until 2am and children with nightmares, leg cramps and 'itchies') I am not venturing up ladders or nailing anything into anything else.


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The Webbers Living a Good Life, again said...

Your kitchen frenzy sounds a bit like mine! I only went to change the microwave and had a real blitz! My hubby Joe would tell you ya can never have enough tea! Mind you it would have to be 'proper' tea and not that 'poncey' stuff! ;-D

Vicki said...

Cake! Yummm.
I'm trying to find the strength to renovate my kitchen. Maybe next year,

L. Cramp said...

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L. Cramp said...

Home Remedies for Leg Cramps. Leg cramps have many causes, but the main point is that they are uncomfortable and annoying. The root of the problem most ...Know Home Remedies for Leg Pain: Information on Leg Pain Treatment and Herbal Remedies.Here are presented a few Leg Cramps cure home remedies. Read about Leg Cramps home remedytreatment.Latest User Submitted Home Remedies for Muscle Cramps ... Muscle cramps can usually be dealt with at home and we have some suggestions here at GrannyMed. ...