Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Poorly sick

Have a cold and developing sinus infection.

There once was a time when I would just pop pills and keep going.  But my wonderful wise counsellor pointed out to me if you don't treat yourself kindly when ill, then the others around you won't either.  After all, if you are still able to cook meals, clean houses etc etc then how sick can you really be??  So I've still popped the pills, but Sebs and I are tucked into bed for the day, and hopefully I can beat off the sinus thing.

I've got lots to blog about. The great deodorant experiment,  the fact its raining, my feelings about postponing Uni for this Semester, and my deep and fundamental fear of the upcoming school holidays - not to mention the swag of homework that's arrived for Miss 5.  Holy sodding moly, I'm going to spend the next fortnight homeschooling.

But, before we get into all of that I might have a nap first.


6 people love me:

belinda said...

I certainly hope your little rest restores your health.

I have to agree with your councillor.. females particularly have a really bad habit of pushing the little warnings their body is giving them about slowing down aside and just soldiering on. Sure as a parent you can't just drop everything and curl up in a ball, but I have always considered it a reason to prioritise and only do what is actually necessary rather trying to do it all.

Kind Regards

Olive said...

I hope you're feeling better after a day in bed.
Don't let yourself be taken for granted. I've always 'been there', no matter what, to cook, clean etc. only to come home 5 days after major surgery (total hysterectomy) and was asked on the first day home, "what's for dinner tonight".... !!!

Take care

Anonymous said...

Feel better soon. I want to hear about the great deodorant experiment.

The Webbers Living a Good Life, again said...

Message for Olive!! You should have luv! Cheeky begger!
Feel better soon, ♥ Deodorant experiment???? Does that mean you might be a bit stinky druing this? Will we needs pegs??

Bron said...

Homework to do during the holidays....? For real???

Hope you feel better soon :)

Sue, Joe and Michael Webber said...

Message for Olive!! You should have luv! Cheeky begger!
Feel better soon, ♥ Deodorant experiment???? Does that mean you might be a bit stinky druing this? Will we needs pegs??