Thursday, August 05, 2010

Beautification not going to plan...

Tell me, would you keep them after you overheard the following conversation....

Miss 6: I don't like the taste of the stuff in my ears
Miss 4: but the stuff up my nose is okay, I always eat it


Barely coping today after disastrous manicure made my stumpy fingers look even stumpier.  This on top of deciding to wear earrings again and ending up with a purple throbbing earlobe AND a particularly vicious eyebrow wax that has made me look like I'm wearing scarlet eyeshadow.  You can tell I'm trying to feel good about myself can't you.

Is it wrong to be drinking whilst the kids watch Playschool??


8 people love me:

Rachael Johns said...

Oh your children are classic!! Won't you miss them so much next week? :)

Loz said...

Oh this made me laugh!!! No..drinking in NEVER a bad thing!

The Webbers Living a Good Life, again said...

As long as they don't start sharing all is good! As for the drinking, well as one great man once said 'Beer: The cause of, and solution to, all of life's problems' Homer...

The Duck Herder said...

heehee. That is hilarious!!!!!!! Poor Caitlyn. I know it is really daggy, but I always have a bottle of that spray you get at the chemist for newly pierced ears, and I religiously spray my earing posts or hooks with it every morning before I put them in, because the same thing happens if i dont.......anyway, it costs about $10 and lasts forever.

and really, why WOULDNT you take the opportunity for a wee tipple during play school. It will make you so much nicer for when it is over and they start fighting.....

And didnt Homer also say "alcohol is proof god loves you and wants you to be happy"

Quixotic said...

If it's wrong, I don't want to be right... :)

Kirsty @ Bonjour Quilts said...

It's always 6pm somewhere in the world Cait!

Anonymous said...

It depend on what you're drinking!!

Unknown said...

Rach will be trying SO HARD to miss them.

I like the way you think Loz :)

Simpson quotes - thank you :)

And thanks Duck Herder. Brilliant earring advice. Shall whiz to chemist to get some.