Monday, August 09, 2010

New Bio

Have been writing self new bio to go up on sites like Amazon and Goodreads...
I love writing. It’s my happy place.  Other happy places include my garden and my kitchen, both situated in my uninspiring 70s red brick house in suburban Sydney, Australia. I love eating. I also love my dog, my cat, my chickens, my children and my husband. Mostly. And not always in that order.  Some days I spend a great deal of time suppressing the urge to strangle the lot of them. This is because they see it as their God-given purpose to interrupt my favorite activities. Yes, writing, gardening and eating.
Some might describe me as obdurate and cranky.  But I like to see it as being mis-understood.  A rough diamond.  A heart of gold.  I am immensely pleasant on the inside.
To my mother’s eternal startlement I am the author of two novels and a couple of short stories.  I also have another couple of books slowly making their way through the publication process.  My pathway to publication was beyond usual. I went from never-written-a-word to published in nine months, I have books in bookshops all over the US, but have never actually seen them, and I am incapable of following guidelines when it comes to writing anything. Especially biographies.

6 people love me:

Rhian Cahill said...

Love it!
Wanna come write mine now?

Rachael Johns said...

Hell yeah... I love it too. You can write mine any time you feel the inclination. I reckon you could make a good living writing people's bios!

Anonymous said...


The Webbers Living a Good Life, again said...

Especially like the bit about strangling! :-D

Wanderlust said...

I think guidelines are over-rated, personally. And doesn't everything get in the way of writing?

Rhian Cahill said...

Love it!
Wanna come write mine now?