Sunday, November 07, 2010

Birthday cake

So today was Miss 4's early birthday party.

Yesterday I made the cake.
Started with this...

Progressed to this (those are marshmallow ghosts on the cake, it being a, somewhat late, halloween theme)...

And ended up like this...
Smitten Kitchen's red velvet cake - it was amazing, a light moist chocolate cake, with a cream cheese icing (same as what you'd put on a carrot cake).

Its been a great day :)

9 people love me:

Rachael Johns said...

WOW - that pretty much sums it up :)

The Webbers Living a Good Life, again said...

And I can expect my bit of cake in the post, when?? :D

helen said...

Like the little ghosts sticking up!

Anonymous said...

It looks delicious!!

Anna said...

That.cake.looks.awesome. (and now I want to make it and eat it).

Fi said...

Ooooh that cake is just FABulous!

Anna said...

That.cake.looks.awesome. (and now I want to make it and eat it).

helen said...

Like the little ghosts sticking up!

Sue, Joe and Michael Webber said...

And I can expect my bit of cake in the post, when?? :D