Sunday, November 21, 2010

Just found what is missing from my life

I've just spent ten minutes surfing a few blogs, and am now contemplating the intricacies of a FUD (female urinary device)...
Courtesy of Mrs Woog at Woog's World - who's opinion of the thing I am entirely in accord with.


Just as I was getting over this, I came across Re-useable toilet paper.
The environmentalist in me approves of this, she really really does, but... well, when I was living in China I stayed in places where the sewage system could not handle toilet paper, so after you had finished with the toilet (subtly put eh?) you put the paper in an open bin which got emptied once a day if you were lucky.

Right now this concept is giving me flashbacks, and they ain't pretty.


Clearly neither FUDs nor re-useable toilet paper are missing from my life.


What has been missing from my life re-appeared of its own accord this afternoon after an absence of a good 20 years...

Miss 6 got one at a party this afternoon, and after some confusion has taken to the concept with admirable dedication.  Never has so much laughter been heard, mostly at the expense of hubs.

4 people love me:

The Webbers Living a Good Life, again said...

Nice pretty pink! ;D As for reusable toilet wipes! I can't think of anything more revolting!
I wanna whoopee cushion!!!
Verification word : hymenwa! :0

Anonymous said...

Whoopie cushions - so much fun.
Reusable toilet paper- not so much.

Jacqui Honeywood said...

Hahahahaha!!!! I think a FUD would come in very handy! LOL!
Hey thought you might like to know that I've given you a 'Cherry on Top' blog award because your stuff's always worth a good read. Congratulations! You can collect it over at my place

CRAP Mamma said...

Hahahahaha!!!! I think a FUD would come in very handy! LOL!
Hey thought you might like to know that I've given you a 'Cherry on Top' blog award because your stuff's always worth a good read. Congratulations! You can collect it over at my place