Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Farewell Fat Clothes

Am not happy. Despite dieting my shrinking behind off, I did not lose weight this week.  It could be because I'm adjusting to the new weightwatchers regime, or it could be because I've got a scorching case of fluid retention or it could just be because sometimes dieting sucks.  Who knows.

So, am blogging about the fat clothes I got rid of on the weekend in an attempt to cheer self up and keep motivated and stop eating fantales.
There was a good pile of stuff that's around size 14 to 16 that I simply cannot wear anymore - it falls off. And my god it was a good feeling to clear it out of the drawers and cupboards. Its a symbol of what I've achieved, and I'm also not giving myself a place to go back to.  No siree.  If I put weight back on, I'll just have to suffer in my size 12 jeans until I lose it again.

Well, its a strategy. :)

The clothes have gone to Vinnies.

I cannot tell you the number of times people who have lost weight, who have tried to give me their old fat clothes.  Seriously. It happened again just a couple of months ago.  Why anyone who had lost weight would look around for their nearest overweight friend and go 'oh you look like you're a 16, here have my old stuff,' is beyond me.  Its devastating and humiliating.  And honestly, whilst I firmly believe in people's good intentions, to do that to someone is a sign that you are not a friend.  Yes, yes, I know they're often nice clothes and yes, the person is most likely right, they'd probably fit.  I understand their logic.  But the reality of this situation is cruel and hurtful.

This setback - of working incredibly hard on weightloss and getting nowhere - is really the first serious challenge I've faced. I'm surprised by how desperately I want to eat and how I've gone right back to the usual justifications and self-talk that I thought were dead and buried about six months ago.


Wish me forbearance.

14 people love me:

Rachael Johns said...

Good luck in your efforts. I"m feeling thoroughly fat at the moment. I used to starve when stressed but in my old age the stress seems to make me seek bad food :(

Kirsty @ Bonjour Quilts said...

Don't give in - you've just plateaued and need to shake it up a little. Can you fit in a walk or two? You've done so well! Surely you don't need to lose too much more, size 12 is fab!

Unknown said...

Thanks Rach :)

Kirsty, am walking over 2kms a day AND size 12 is fab, but not yet in my healthy weight range, for that I'll be about a size 10. I've got about 4kgs before I get there and I was hoping it'd be by the end of the year, but am not sure now. sigh.

Becca said...

are you a WW? If so it could be the ProPoints thing messing with you? Seems to be a bit hit and miss. I had a small loss but less than i was expecting...
Good luck! Have some wine points!

Unknown said...

Yeah Bec, I reckon its the propoints. I'm eating differently, and I think that's made a difference, am just hoping it all evens out. :)

Becca said...

The free fruit is freaking me out - but it did give me an option at a Chrissy party.... kept me off the delicious looking dips...

Anonymous said...

Hang in there, you can do it. You have done so well!!!

The Webbers Living a Good Life, again said...

I often think WW ideal goal weights are set far too low! I would think that being a size 12 would have been just fine, size 10 is just too skinny and far harder to maintain too. I though you great in one of your recent photos. Don't get too thin will ya luv!

Sami Lee said...

It took me about nine months to lose the last three kilos to reach my goal weight. Yep, I think I just couldn't keep going anymore, but I did finally do it... and I've put some back on the last month too. Complacency, you see. I'll always flirt with the line I think, because I do enjoy my wine and choccie and as such will never be the healthiest nut in the bunch. Be patient, don't self-criticise (chillax baby:)). The plateau is annoying as hell... but only if you let it be. You've acheived so much and you've learned the skills you need so the rest will come. Cyber hugging you.

Fi said...

Wishing you forbearance, and loose size 12 clothes :)

daniii♥ said...

woohoo! Congratulations on getting rid of some of your fat clothes. Doesn't that feel great? Just keep doing what you're doing and soon you'll be back to "skinny"!

jennifergatc said...

Getting rid of those clothes are a great way to keep you motivated! I did the same, but ummmm I'm creeping back up on the scale, so now things are getting pretty tight and uncomfortable and I don't exactly have anything to wear! haha

jennifergatc said...

Getting rid of those clothes are a great way to keep you motivated! I did the same, but ummmm I'm creeping back up on the scale, so now things are getting pretty tight and uncomfortable and I don't exactly have anything to wear! haha

daniii♥ said...

woohoo! Congratulations on getting rid of some of your fat clothes. Doesn't that feel great? Just keep doing what you're doing and soon you'll be back to "skinny"!