Saturday, March 27, 2010

How Hawt???

Ladies and Gentlemen, I present for your pleasure The Zippered Jacket.

Cannot decide which sends me wobbly with desire more...
  • the gun
  • the haircut
  • the zip pockets
  • or the gigantic zit in the middle of his chest
My mother is a machine-knitter. A very very keen machine-knitter. So keen, in fact that she is Vice President of the NSW Machine Knitters Association. Yes. Living in her shadow is a trial. No arguments about that.

She has a huge, massive, gigantic (do you see I'm trying to suggest its pretty large here) collection of so called 'knitting fashion magazines' dating from the very earliest days of machine knitting.  This one I'm guessing is late 60s.  I confess that when I get a quiet moment at her place I sneak off to her library and amuse myself with the pictures.

Its selfish of me to keep these gems to myself, and so, in future, shall be posting some of them up for everyone.

8 people love me:

Anonymous said...

Hahahaha that photo is priceless!

The Duck Herder said...

well, if that isnt inspiration enough for your next book, I really dont know what it! (hee hee)

I do love a nice man in a cardy with a firearm......

Quixotic said...

I'm left pondering exactly what landscape he is trying to camouflage himself into?? Mardi Gras? A Starsky & Hutch convention? And in that case, what the heck is he hunting?? Food for thought, Cait, food for thought...

The Webbers Living a Good Life, again said...

Only real men can wear pink...or is that purple? Just need to fone a real where did I leave him...........I got one somewhere...

The Webbers Living a Good Life, again said...

"Find" a real man! Crikey!

Unknown said...

LOL I thought you were going to give him a ring :)

Bron said...

Looks like it could be from the 70s, judging by the Farrah Fawcett-esque could get one just like it and show your true devotion :D

The Webbers Living a Good Life, again said...

Have ya got his number??? ;)