Wednesday, September 08, 2010

Dinner from the Garden

Spuds, swede, broccoli and snow peas - all home grown and all eaten for dinner last night along with some awesome slow cooked lamb.  There are some peas in there too, but I ate them out of the pods before they got anywhere near the steamer.

We don't have enough to eat home grown every night, but at the moment every meal has something from the garden in it.

Hubs and I have been  looking forward to this all winter.  The vege garden is a lot of work, especially when we're both so busy, and this year its felt like we've done nothing but plant things that we have to wait a year or more to produce anything. We keep telling ourselves we're just getting established, but it can be really frustrating.

Now, however, the hard work is starting to pay off, just a teensy bit.  The kids are completely excited about it all - well, not excited enough to actually eat the lettuce they carefully picked - and a family trip around the garden is now mandatory after school, just to see what's changed since yesterday.

My plan for urban bliss feels like its crept one step closer.


4 people love me:

The Webbers Living a Good Life, again said...

There's nothing quite like the taste of veg straight from the ground and it's all the sweeter when you've gron it yourself. Nuthin coming outta our veg garden at the moment but then we've been a bit caught up in other things.

Marita said...

That is fantastic. We are starting our spring veggie garden now. I'm very envious of your bounty.

Anonymous said...

Makes all the hard work worth it

Sue, Joe and Michael Webber said...

There's nothing quite like the taste of veg straight from the ground and it's all the sweeter when you've gron it yourself. Nuthin coming outta our veg garden at the moment but then we've been a bit caught up in other things.