Sunday, September 19, 2010

This is why I should never interact with others...

Me: How's your day?
Friend: Not so good actually.
Me: On no, what's gone tits-up?
Friend: My girlfriend has to have a breast biopsy.
small silence
Me: Um, awful. Hope it comes back clear. [very quietly] sorry about the tits-up thing


End of conversation with girlfriend, had possibly consumed a few wines...
Me: So I'll call or email or something before I arrive
Wend: Great, looking forward to it
Me: Okay, love you, bye.
startled silence during which I try to decide if I should own the accidental  love you, explain that I'm drunk and its my usual sign-off for Hubs, or just hang up
Wend: Ur, bye.
Phone goes dead.


10 people love me:

Jane Holland said...

Oh yeah. Been there. Usually on forums where people just don't get the Holland humour without the funny facial expressions that accompany it in person. And then I get the accusations ... and recriminations ... and I end up thinking, 'This is why I should never interact with others'.

Anonymous said...

I am laughing, oh my god, I am laughing!!

So Now What? said...

I'm kind of the opposite with the love thing. Both my brother and best friend will end a conversation with "Love you" and I'm the plubber who returns with a yeah, you too.

Why can't I say it?

Thanks for the laugh.

Madmother said...

No, this is why you should not interact with others AFTER wine!

Sitting here laughing, pointing at screen going "OMG: you too!"

Welcome to the foot in wino mouth club.

Kirsty @ Bonjour Quilts said...

Yeah. I tend to do it when I'm powering through all the reply emails at the same time. End up signing my name to the real estate agent or something like that with kisses at the end of my name. x x I hit send and then I get that funny, 'what did I just write' feeling.

The Webbers Living a Good Life, again said...

Ah yep! ;D I'm always opening my gob before I've engaged my brain! I saw a friend outside school one morning, she was looking a bit glum! "Hey!! Who died??" :
"My Grandma!" "OOps!"

Jacqui Honeywood said...

That's a crack up - pissing myself laughing!!!
I took that 'love you' thing to a whole new level when in the passenger seat of a mate's car while she was driving, I placed my hand on her leg and said something like 'go this way baby' (as I would usually do with hubby)......stunned silence followed by uncontrollable laughter.......followed by a "no worries honey" by my mate.......

Vanessa said...

Thanks for giving me a good laugh today ... love it. xx V.

Sue, Joe and Michael Webber said...

Ah yep! ;D I'm always opening my gob before I've engaged my brain! I saw a friend outside school one morning, she was looking a bit glum! "Hey!! Who died??" :
"My Grandma!" "OOps!"

Jane Holland said...

Oh yeah. Been there. Usually on forums where people just don't get the Holland humour without the funny facial expressions that accompany it in person. And then I get the accusations ... and recriminations ... and I end up thinking, 'This is why I should never interact with others'.