Tuesday, November 23, 2010


Guess who had his summer clip today...

Am thinking its time for my summer clip as well.  Seb's has spent the day hanging out with two ruby cavalier's and could barely keep his eyes open long enough for this photo.

In other stop press news, my Honey Joys sold out in moments at the Christmas markets and I am, officially, the Honey Joy Queen. You may now address me as Queen Honey (which sounds like a porn star) or Queen Joy (which is uncannily accurate, me being suffused with joy at all times, or was that sarcasm? always getting those two confused). Honey joys, for those who are unsure, are cornflakes smothered in honey and butter, put in a patty pan and left to coagulate.  Very yum.


4 people love me:

Sarah said...

Your fur baby, Seb, is SOOOO CUTE!! And thanks for filling me in on Honey Joys.. congrats on doing so well selling them.. :)

Anonymous said...

Your puppy looks adorable!! I have never heard of Honey Joys - I learned something new.

belinda said...


Seb looks very handsome.

Honey Joys always used to sell out fast at all my childhood fete's. Luckily my dad was the one making them most of the time so we had a stash at home even if we didn't get to buy any.

Kind regards

belinda said...


Seb looks very handsome.

Honey Joys always used to sell out fast at all my childhood fete's. Luckily my dad was the one making them most of the time so we had a stash at home even if we didn't get to buy any.

Kind regards