Wednesday, February 02, 2011

February? Already?

  • Holy crap Queensland, look after each other, and don't do anything stupid, k?
  • Went to see Sting at the Sydney Opera House last night, with the Sydney Symphony orchestra.  Awesome - however, I now despise Foot Tappers.  They join a short list of things I utterly hate, which is... people who make me high five them, people who point at me with two hands, and people who shout Aussie Aussie Aussie, thus making me shout Oi, Oi, Oi - oh the indignity.
  • Anyway, Sting. OMG.  Don't really have the words to describe sitting in the SOH Concert hall as the audience sing Message in a Bottle accompanied by Sting on his guitar; spine tingling comes close.  Must say though, he does seem to have a rather bizarre fox fetish - hmm.
  • The children have gone back to school - yes, the less said about Those Holidays the better, I have counselling tomorrow, maybe then I'll be able to attempt to write about The Horror.
  • BBS... yes, I will. The fug in my head is starting to clear, and I'm finding my words again. I will be back soon.  Promise.

4 people love me:

Madmother said...

Come on down... yes, I ticked the drink more box. After all I also put my hand up for bar blog status on Maxabella's blog.

You will find the words again, we all go through the *meh* stages.

I'm sitting here shaking my head in disbeleief at what nature is throwing at my state.

The Webbers Living a Good Life, again said...

There ya are! I finally got around to catching up on the blogs and wondered where ya were! I was about to send the search party out, will get them to stand down then :D

Anonymous said...

January went by fast, didn't it? Glad to see your post.

Mel said...

January went by fast, didn't it? Glad to see your post.