Thursday, March 29, 2007

Best Intention

I've been editing the end of Best Intention again. I know, it's supposed to be finished, but I just wanted to give it a quick check over. I think I was having an overly picturesque day when I wrote the following!

Zani jerked awake with a gasp and sat up, scrabbling backwards until a soft padded bed-head stopped her. Her head swam nauseatingly, as if she’d been drinking Babycham and brandy, and her mouth felt drier than the Tigris River, downstream from a Turkish dam. She looked around wildly, the room was unfamiliar, large and predominantly pink.
Terrified, she tried to make herself as small as possible, pulling her knees up to her chest and wrapping her arms around them.
Nothing happened.
Her nose itched and she scratched it.
Speaking of Best Intention, I've finally found photos of what the hero and heroine look like.

This is actually Ellen MacArthur, possibly one of the coolest chicks on the planet. Not only a world class sailor, BUT ALSO the second fastest racing time in the Top Gear 'Star In A Reasonably Priced Car' challenge. Pretty awesome for someone who spends six months of the year at sea!

Oh and she got a dameship.

And here is my hero. Yes I am aware that this is love-rat Oliver Martinez, who so foully treated our Kyles. Possibly the most disliked fellow since Tom Cruise dumped our Nic.

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