Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Dust Bunnies

The dust bunnies are taking over the house and scaring the dog. When the dust in the corners is so thick you can write in it, I suppose its time to get matters under control and stop rabbiting on about Life Being Too Short for domestic servitude. SIGH. Just be thankful I didn't include a photo of the kids bathroom, shudder.

Of course I have leapt into this cleaning thing with unfettered enthusiasm.  So far I've made tea and toast, watered the garden and photographed the Pumpkin Of Hope, which is, as you can see, doing very nicely...

And discovered an eggplant on its way.  The Eggplant of Indescribable Joy.

Okay, okay, I'm going to clean now.


4 people love me:

Anonymous said...

The dust bunnies here chase me down the hall. Very scary. Your pumpkin of hope looks good.

veggiegobbler said...

I think it looks fine (compared to my house anyway) and is character building and providing entertainment for the dog :)

dixiebelle said...

Cleaning, it sucks because no matter how good you do it, or how hard you wish and cross your fingers, it needs to be done over & over again... who's idea was that!?! I say the filth will still be there tomorrow, not like it's going anywhere... but the garden, the planet, my sanity, they need attention now!

The Webbers Living a Good Life, again said...

We get dog tumbleweed roling down the hallway when the front door is opened! Makes me wanna sing,'Rollin' rollin' rollin', keep them wagons rollin' Rawhide...........'