The Huggies Car. A toy I foolishly saved up coupons from nappy boxes and then paid $18.75 for.
The child is not the bane of my life, though its a close run thing a lot of the time.
It was cold and wet and horrible on Sunday, so my Marvellous Husband decided it'd be a good idea to get out the Huggies Car. What he didn't realise is that there is a Very Good Reason WHY the Huggies Car was in a small scrumpled up heap wedged behind the old vacuum cleaner where Nobody Would Ever Find It.
Every single time it puts in an appearance the squabbling begins. No amount of negotiating, adjudicating or yelling will put a stop to it. I even tried leaving them to it, but after about forty seconds of shrieking I have a sense of humour failure.
Council clean up day in two weeks and counting...
Went and had coffee with Janine today. Her little boy is the cutest baby I have ever seen. Have told hubby that we should start thinking about having number three - but only so I can see him go all white and fainty at the thought. Heh.
Revenge is sweet.
2 people love me:
God, Cait.
Do you know how many toys we have like that. And the bitch of it is, neither kid would give the toy in question a second glance - unless his brother is playing with it!
Thank God mine don't squabble anymore. No, they just yell (with adult and almost adult voices) and beat the crap out of each other. Or in the case of the girls, wait four days and take revenge when the boys least expect it. Them girls are evil I tell ya!
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