Tuesday, July 07, 2009


Am having website issues. There has been a fire at my webhosting people's place. One of the servers that burnt down had www.caitlynnicholas.com on it. SIGH. SIGH. SIGH. Therefore I cannot access the site to update it and it dissapears periodically.

Sorry about that.

3 people love me:

Rachael Johns said...

OMG!!! That happens??

Suzanne Brandyn Author said...

Hi Cait,
It should be up soon shouldn't it. I do hope they have all necessary back ups. At least you may.

Unknown said...

There are two truly painful things here, firstly that hubby just rebuilt my lappy, and I HAVE NO BACKUP, and now the site is back online I keep getting the password wrong and to reset the password the site sends an email to my hotmail account that was hacked via ebay a few weeks ago and has been shut down.

I mean WHY does it happen the week I have a book released. WHY???

AAGH and Thx for listening!!