Holee Mother of God. I had heard that kids birthday parties were as bad as arranging a wedding (I always want to write weeding? Why is that?) but this week I have experienced this first hand. There were outfits, and cakes, and catering, and bonboniere, and balloons, and decorations...
And the actual birthday itself, several days before the party, led to an influx of barbie dolls dressed as whores and transvestites. Miss Five's take on it was... "I think Barbie needs some knickers on. She can have Snow White's." Yes, in keeping with her reputation the Snow White doll was the only one who arrived wearing suitable underwear (or any underwear at all for that matter).

The party has taken the best part of this week to sort out. But, it was a success - you have never seen so many happy little fairies! The wand decorating which I though would interest them for five minutes kept them all busy for half an hour; and the fairy skirts, which I thought there'd be fights over, were utterly ignored. I now have ten fairy skirts from the Hot Dollar shop that'll fit anyone with a six inch waist or smaller. I'm sure they'll come in useful.
Cooked masses of food. Including sausage rolls, chicken mini-pies, chicken spring rolls...

And of course a pink marshmallows and cupcakes birthday cake.

Hubby, of course, was not to be outdone and made sure it was All-About-Him by 'accidentally' standing on a rusty nail. He is presently at the doctor getting a tetnus shot and may have to have his entire leg amputated due to gangrene - well that is what you'd think if you saw him limping. Oh I KNOW I should be more sympathetic (and I am, no really) but there are leftover cupcakes...
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Cait - I feel your pain (not hubby's)! It's my turn on Friday!! Send any leftovers via Aussie Post...
You deserve a medal for doing a kids birthday party. And why do Barbies always look like streetwalkers these days??? Way to aspire the young girls Barb.
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