Saturday, August 28, 2010

Back To Basics Challenge - Week 6

What's happening in the garden
  • Harvesting
    •  Lettuce, beetroot leaves, last of turnips, first swede
  • Observing
    • Blueberry flowers
    • Broccoli
    • Zuchinni seedling nearly read to plant out
    • Strawberry flowers
    • Egg total : 16
    What I've been doing
    • Planning for The Future
      •  Move pool fence (mentioned this a few weeks ago, but the devastating news that a 5yo drowned over in Galston last week has motivated us to focus on getting the fence moved asap - fence is safe as is, but its layout means that to get to and from shed, gate must be opened and there is a risk it may be left open when people are trying to get through with lawn mowers and wheelbarrows). 
      • Tackle last daggy unloved bit of garden - get ready for planting up with pumpkins and melons - did start to do this but realised I was sick and went and laid down instead

    • Working for the Future
      • Weekly menu plan - detailed weekly lunch/dinner plan, used for making a shopping list - working well 
      • Blog settling down in new format
    • Fun Stuff
      • Building Community
        • Went to playgroup to see Mother's Group friends - was rewarded with pizza, cake and biscuits :)
        • New family tradition: having special dessert when we get home from nighttime school thing/concert that kids have been involved in.  
      • Learn a new Skill
        • Old skill reused: Keeping germs to self
    • Becoming less porky
      • Present weight 75.3kgs (top of healthy weight range for my height: 67kgs)
    Week Summary
    • Sick, so shopping, cooking etc all fell by the wayside - need to get more ready meals in the freezer and have better plan for when I'm busy or out of action
    • Attended Primary School Brass Concert - totally blown away by the talent shown by all the kids - fave part; drumming on chairs with sticks, was so cool.  Miss 6 was excellent Dingle Dangle Scarecrow. Miss 4 now wants to learn the trumpet.
    •  House went from unacceptable to appalling (or Code Red) - hubs motivated to clean bathroom due to smell (smell actually coming from bin and dealt with three days ago - but am not going to tell him that).

    1 people love me:

    Rachael Johns said...

    Have I told you lately that I LOVE your blog!!

    Hope you are on the mend... I have been ghastly sick too and my house is even more of a sty than usual.