Saturday, November 10, 2007

Breaking through the 20,000 word mark...

Am parked upon the couch, and haven't moved for several hours, except to spoon Homer Hudson icecream into myself. I'm getting tendonitius in my wrists and starting to forget my heroines name. Hey I've written about Zani, Lily, Alex and now Cathy this year alone - so give me a break.

But I've just cracked the 20,000 word mark. Woo hoo! And hopefully in the next few days I'll get over the 25,000 half way mark. Not at all bad for ten days work. Though have to say I'm getting really tired, it drains you, all this creativity. Am also not sleeping, too busy thinking up plot twists. Note to self: DO NOT BLOW ANYONE UP. Its a romance.


2 people love me:

Rachael Blair said...

Hmmm... perhaps I need to blow someone up. I think I'm far too nice to my characters!

Anonymous said...

20,000 is phenomenal Cait. Did I spell phenomenal right? I don't think so. Some writer I am. Since I got so thrilled to make 11,000 words I've written about another 3,000. Fading fast...