So, have been a bit miffed that I missed out on a ticket to Oprah but today fate, fortune or whatever, smiled down on me and quite by accident I got to see her and say hi.
We were down at the Opera House, at the last of the baby proms for the year. The place was utter chaos, as all the Oprah audience were queuing for tickets, and a huge stage and tv camera's were being set up on the forecourt. Oprah herself was walking over the harbour bridge and the place was seething with helicopters. Even a skywriter had written the letters O H R A in the sky (and then clearly given up in embarrassment at his spelling mistake - or was it initials... Oprah Has Royal Authority??)
We carolled away with Saskia from Playschool and members of the Sydney Symphony Orchestra at the proms, and then went for our usual wander in the botanic gardens. Then as we headed back to lunch at Circular Quay I saw a bit of a fuss near where they'd set up the huge stage. So I hurried over, phone in hand and as I got to the barrier, who should be standing there but...
Yes, yes, not her best angle :) Sorry Oprah. She was chatting to the lady next to me about how she'd been up on the harbour bridge that morning.
Then she held out her hand to me, and I shook it, and squeaked, "Hi, its great to meet you, welcome to Australia." Look, I was having a fan girl moment okay, I could barely get the words out, it was almost as bad as when I met Jackie French.
She smiled vaguely at me and then moved along to the next person - yes, am sure she'll be writing about meeting me on her blog this evening - and then I ducked out the way so the other ladies behind me could get a chance to say hi, and that was that.
Circular Quay has gone Oprah mad. Oprah flags everywhere, and you could even get the t-shirt...
I did not get the t-shirt, but was amused by the fat hairy old guy wearing a t-shirt that said "Oprah Loves Me."
So, I've said Hi to the Queen of Daytime TV. Rather chuffed actually.
5 people love me:
How exciting!!
Lucky You, don't worry she meets lots of people that are star struck, atleast you got the Welcome to Australia bit out Lol
Nice work! I'd have been a bit star struck too.
Woo hoo you!!! Check that off your bucket list.
Maaaan... I was reading on Eden's blog the other day about how she ran into Bono at the Opera House and now here you are meeting Oprah (Ohra)! Clearly, I need to come hang out there.
Woo hoo you!!! Check that off your bucket list.
Maaaan... I was reading on Eden's blog the other day about how she ran into Bono at the Opera House and now here you are meeting Oprah (Ohra)! Clearly, I need to come hang out there.
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