Friday, December 10, 2010

Hugs, finger crossing, vibes, thoughts, prayers... I'll take 'em all.

Today my brother-in-law is having a major operation. It'll take a surgeon 4 hours to fuse two of the vertebrae in his spine and hopefully this will relieve some of the horrific pain that he is enduring right now.

This is not a pleasant story.  Many years ago my bil badly injured his back in a car accident.  He's had serious problems ever since. Lately these serious problems have doubled and tripled in their intensity.  It has become a regular occurrence that he'd have injections into his spine to relieve the excruciating pain.

Then about ten days ago, his back spasmed and my sister knew immediately that this was like nothing before.  The pain went from excruciating to uncontrollable and my bil was taken to hospital where he has remained on a cocktail of drugs.  Last Thursday these drugs were failing to control the pain, and... well, its been really distressing.

So, after tomorrow we hope that after rehab, the pain will be over and he can get on with a normal life.  Oh, I hope it all goes okay.

5 people love me:

The Webbers Living a Good Life, again said...

Owww your poor brother, hope it all goes well, keeping everything crossed ♥

Kamarine said...

Got everything crossed. I'll keep you guys in my thoughts too as I wish for the best outcome. xxx

Loz said...

Sending all my bestest's to a speedy recovery also! xxx

Kirsty @ Bonjour Quilts said...

Sending good luck vibes. After all he's endured I hope this does the trick.

Unknown said...

Thanks everyone. So appreciate your comments, was a bit of a fraught day yesterday, but i smiled every time a comment came in :)