Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Telling My Story: The Power of Vulnerability

I was talking over vulnerability with a friend today.  I mentioned that, though I choose to put a lot of myself out there, on this blog, in real life, and all over twitter (and I mean ALL over twitter!)... though I choose to write about my insecurities and crankinesses and teacup sized dramas and utter cooking failures, every time I do it there is a twist of reservation in my heart.  A little whisper of discomfort. An uncomfortable sense of vulnerability.

What's up with that? I asked.

She merely grinned and told me to watch this YouTube video.  Brene Brown's TED talk on the Power of Vulnerability.

I watched it. Then I watched it again. Then I watched it with hubs.

 I laughed, and I cried at the end when she says...
And the last, which I think is probably the most important, is to believe that we're enough. Because when we work from a place ... that says, "I'm enough," then we stop screaming and start listening, we're kinder and gentler to the people around us, and we're kinder and gentler to ourselves.
And by the end of all this, my attitude to what I choose to share publicly, and what others choose to share, had changed profoundly.

 You see, those of us that blog honestly, keep it real, don't buy into fakery or magazine superficiality... those of us who tell you our stories online, or in the cafe, or on the phone, are summoning our courage* and we are being imperfect. We are willing to let go of who we think we should be, and are being who we really are.

 Its not easy for me.  It never has been.

But this, dear readers, is my gift to you, every single time I post here.

 *I also loved Brene's definition of courage...
Courage, the original definition of courage, when it first came into the English language -- it's from the Latin word cor, meaning heart -- and the original definition was to tell the story of who you are with your whole heart

9 people love me:

Jennifer Arlin said...

From a blogger who has gotten a lot of flack for oversharing: I thank you for this, from the bottom of my heart.

Caitlyn Nicholas said...

Anytime :) 

Debyl1 said...

That is really beautiful.I dont blog but come to visit blogs from twitter and I appreciate every blogger who allows me into their space and allows me to have a say in the form of a comment.Thankyou for your honesty and sharing.I admire you and all bloggers for the courage of keeping it real xx

Renee | About a Bugg said...

What a beautiful post - I love both of those definitions. I am trying hard to believe I am enough and I am trying to be courageous - and even more, I love that it comes from story telling. I am bookmarking this so I can print it out and pin it up in my new office after we move. Thank you xx

Carmen J said...

Amen.  Thank you. x

Imelda Evans said...

I actually think this is what people are looking for, in all this interwebbyness - connection; authenticity; plain-speaking.  The well-intentioned ones, I mean, not the ones who just want to shout at people.  For all our media, we are starved of the stories we used to get around the kitchen table.  Keep on keeping it real; it helps the world keep sane.

Garden Centre Basildon said...

Wow. I hope you are having fun at PSU! I would plant my herb garden in that planter for sure. What a cool idea.

gardencentreguide1 said...

That is really beautiful.I dont blog but come to visit blogs from twitter and I appreciate every blogger who allows me into their space and allows me to have a say in the form of a comment.

Garden Centre Basingstoke

Adina West said...

I watched the whole video - very powerful stuff. I love people who can be really open and honest like you - but struggle to do it myself. Maybe I'll get there after another four years of blogging!
