Its been a long few days. I arrived at work this morning with no outfit, and speech barely written. Yes, was speaking. Fortunatly everyone at work is fabulous and understanding, and I'm not hugely busy. So was able to polish up speech and then whip across to the shopping centre and purchase suitable clothes.
Spoke to Mum earlier and she was sure what I'd worn to work would be fine. Er, black clogs, grey jeans and grey t-shirt (okay not grey but 'silver'). My workplace is really casual. "God," mutters Mum, "We really need to buy you some new clothes."
Gee, Ta.
So, suitably attired, arrived at the Crematorium in good time, to be greeted by many old friends and the family. If it wasn't so sad it would've been such fun. I can't believe Grandma touched so many people. It was really hot, temperature in the thirties, and the chapel was cool, but not with fifty odd people in it. I did my speech, I was so nervous and trying not to cry so I ended up sounding like Mickey Mouse. I know I did. Far too many people came up to me after and told me I did well and speeches are hard when you're emotional. Hmm.
No but it was good. The whole family did really well. My cousin Hugh did a reading from Corinthians with almost no practice and we had some lovely poems. We had an Irish blessing at the end it was lovely too.
May the road rise up to meet you,
May the wind be ever at your back
May the sun shine warm upon your face
And the rain fall softly on your fields
And until we meet again,
May God hold you in the hollow of his hand
The kids came along to the Wake, dressed in beautiful dresses they looked like little flowers. They kept everyone on their toes, zipping about underfoot and eating their own bodyweight in sausage rolls. Yes, was so proud.
Am very tired now. Nursing blisters, glad it went well, sad, so so sad, but feel like I can start to get on with life.
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