Saturday, February 20, 2010

Water Dowsing

So you've probably been reading my blog long enough to know that I'm really not one for wild flights of fancy (if you're new, a big HI THERE from me - and yes, that is as friendly as I tend to get). Logic and science and rational explanations are my thing, all a result of a sensible factual up-bringing and education.


However. There is an aspect to myself that I kind-of tend to steer clear of. Its the side of me that has odd experiences that may or may not be due to ghosts, and the side of me that water dowses.  The side that isn't 100% explainable in a logical way.

Water dowsing or water witching is when you take a stick or metal poles and walk over the ground, the stick or poles move when you cross water or a ley line or pretty much anything you care to imagine under the ground (yes bodies and/or gold if you so desire it).

My mother taught me how to water dowse when I was about seven or eight.  Well taught is not precisely right, she put two straightened out coat hangers in my hands, instructed me to walk around until they crossed and said something like, 'look you can do it too,' when they did.

Since then its pretty much been a good party trick for freaking out prospective husbands.  Although, when I move into a new house I do tend to have a quick go to figure out where the ley lines are.  Just cos, really.

Well, today we have been in the garden (just for something different) and are sorting out a new bed to go under the liquid amber.  As you can see, its really tatty and mozzie-ish under there, and for ages I've wanted to turn it into a usable bit of garden, rather than an old toy dumping ground.  I thought it'd be fun to find out where the ley lines were and use them to design the garden around.

So I butchered a couple of coat hangers, and bent them into the right shape.  Those are broken kitchen chairs btw, mostly I use them to grow beans up.
Then marched up and down the bit of garden I was interested in, taking note of when the rods crossed and when they didn't.  I can't explain the rod crossing thing any more than that.  They move, in my hands, on their own and they cross and uncross as I walk over the same spot or line every single time. I think its to do with magnetic fields or something.  Interestingly hubby can't do it at all.

After ignoring the fact they were crossing every time I stepped over the hose (ie water) I ended up with the pile of white clay which marks the intersection of two ley lines.  The spade (which is a bit off centre) shows the direction of one.  (The white clay was leftover from Miss 4s poo smearing days and has been rock solid in a perfectly good bucket for ages).
The other line runs through the chair, the white clay, and the orange kids bbq. And hey look there's all my washing, up on the blog, awww, and is that an empty yellow bag of chook food blown into the lavender? Ahem yes I think it is (blush).
Well, tomorrow we'll mulch the whole area, and then, using the bit with the white clay as the centre-point, start to plant up rows of different coloured lettuce, leek, kale etc, etc, to make a 100% edible formal garden bed.  You can already see some of the mulch in the top photo.

And that's that really.  Many people can water dowse, its not unusual. There are water dowsing associations around Australia and people run their own businesses dowsing professionally for farmers etc who want to dig bores and so on.  Its fun and freaky and if you happen to have a couple of old coat-hangers lying around I'd highly recommend you give it a try.


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belinda said...


I don't think I have ever known anyone that actively dowses water before.. that would be a really handy skill.

Kind Regards

Being Me said...
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Being Me said...

"Cool trick, cool trick!", thanks to Yo Gabba-Gabba, first springs to mind.
Second thing that creeps in sheepishly is the admission that I was given my first dowsing pendant about 15 years ago. Wasn't until we moved here 2 yrs ago that I brought it out and used it for something useful. Asked it (and the old intuition) to show me where North was. It swung north-south bang-on, when I had no idea what direction I was facing (I used Google maps and later, our house plans, to confirm). I don't ever discount the dowsing method, if your motive and method are of genuine, good intent then it's very accurate.

E. said...

Almost every time I read your blog I get inspired to plant a vegie garden. Now I want to see if I can dowse too.

Keep up the gardening posts and one day we might have more than parsley and potatos... and a vague idea that there is water out there somewhere. :)

Quixotic said...

My Nanna could dowse apparently. I have tried with sporadic success.
What I did really get from this post was a great idea of what to grow my beans up in Autumn!!! Whoo!

Bron said...

So when can I come to your place to do my fruit and vege shopping???
And do you take requests...if so, please can you plant a mango tree and an avocado tree. Also can you please draw a smiley face on my eggs, like the ones I bought the other day. kthx ;)

Kellyansapansa said...

I remember my parents getting a water dowser out when I was about six, to find the best spot to sink a bore in our backyard. I was absolutely fascinated - it's nice to know it's not a dying art.

A Slave Journal said...

love it.

whenever someone tells me they "don't believe in [insert perceived wacky subject here]" i usually remind them that germs were considered wacky before the invention of microscopes.

ditto the light spectrum that we can't sense until the invention of light spectrometers (or whatever they are called)...

the list goes on.

moral of the story is: just because you can't see, smell, touch, taste, hear it... doesn't mean it doesn't exist! and i'd like to think that eventually science will "catch up" with the wacky things that some people are blessed (or cursed) to be able to sense.