When unpacking the car we had a small milk disaster, actually it was more of an entire esky disaster in which milk was involved. You see we're on a very steep slope, and when hubby opened the boot the esky made a bid for freedom. It shot out of the back of the 4wd and slid at high speed down the drive, hit the curb, turned left without indicating, rolled, and began to spew its contents down the road. I tell you pears can go extremely fast. Faster than hubby can run it turns out. But not frozen casseroles. No, friction slows them down.
So the milk was punctured, right down the bottom and was leaking everywhere. Being the quick-thinking girl that I am, I finished my beer as fast as I could (which was fastish - hell I was laughing too hard at my husband running up and down the street collecting foodstuffs before they got run over) and recycled the bottle.
3 people love me:
omg, that's toooo funny.That esky will never get it's licence now!
Laughing at the image of you almost speed drinking your beer, while having a chuckle at your hubby.
omg, that's toooo funny.That esky will never get it's licence now!
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