So brace yourselves for a month of blog posts moaning about how much I've written and pictures of LOLcats for when I've been procrastinating. I love lolcats. Hubby reckons that if I'm going to inflict Nano on him again, then the least I could do would be to cut myself off from the internet and give myself one less avenue of procrastination (he may well be hoping that I procrastinate in the direction of the cleaning cupboard instead - HAH).
Without the internet?
How refreshingly amusing.
Here's a lolcat. Just to get us started.

YES. I am aware this isn't a cat.
12 people love me:
You know I've been sure I was ready for Saturday. Knew what I would work on, knew I had all my little ducks in a row ready for the big kick off AND I had every confidence that this year I'd make the finish line, especially after June.
But this week?? I'm in a panic. I can't pull this off, I don't even want to work on the story I planned to, I wanna do a different one. (insert whiney voice)
Damn! It's in FOUR DAYS!!!!!
Okaaay Rhian, loveliest, deep breaths. Deeeep breaths. Nobody said you had to do all 50,000 on one ms, why not do 25,000 on one idea and 25,000 on the other??
What's your nano name? Mine's Caitlyn Nicholas (thought of in a blinding flash of inspiration) befriend me!
No nano for me this year as I'm in re-writes/edits, not rough draft mode. But good luck with it you crazy thing (insert lecture on overdoing it here).
BTW finished reading Secret Intentions and LOVED it girl. So hilarious. Was crying at one point when the funny old housekeeper was chatting amiably to the half naked French man about what a 'blow' he'd had the previous night (appealed to my dirty mind admirably). Oh sorry. Laughing again thinking about it and hubby's looking at me like I've had too much caffeine again today. He's right of course. How else does one manage?
We're already buddies I think, from last year. I'm still using last years persona. Racharl. I'm off to check we're buddies.
Here's my favourite lolcat
Aw THANKS Sami. I'm so glad you liked Secret Intentions, and thanks for letting me know. Good luck with the edits and feel free to lecture me on overdoing it whenever you feel the need! Methinks my mother would like you a lot!
Hey Bron! Long time no hear. Hope all is well in your world. Spied your beautiful little one with J up at the shops a few weeks ago - didn't say Hi cos I'm not sure either of them would recognise me - but hasn't he grown. He's so cute! I love that LOLcat, it made me laugh and I needed a laugh today what with the rain and poo covered children (see todays post for gory details!).
Hope to see you round soon
LOL well my monkey will talk to ANYONE who gives him the slightest amount of attention...he was even asking the sales person at Forbes yesterday if they will take small children as payment...wonder where he's heard that one??
LOL @ the poo, makes Monkey's filling the bed with play-doh incident of last week seem very minor :)
LOL Bron!
Good luck with Nano.
I'm not even trying. Would be a miracle if I wrote 5 000 words this month, and even that seems to enormous to contemplate.
Good luck with Nano.
I'm not even trying. Would be a miracle if I wrote 5 000 words this month, and even that seems to enormous to contemplate.
LOL well my monkey will talk to ANYONE who gives him the slightest amount of attention...he was even asking the sales person at Forbes yesterday if they will take small children as payment...wonder where he's heard that one??
LOL @ the poo, makes Monkey's filling the bed with play-doh incident of last week seem very minor :)
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